After waiting on the metro station wishing for one of the trains to just dislocate, land on the platform and run me over, I'm yet again back to square one when it comes to appreciation of life.
Today was a day I was doing a really good job at trying to enjoy the little things.
This morning for example, an overly exciting dad approached me the minute I came up the stairs and said with an exclamation mark that his plants were starting to grow flowers:
"I was beginning to lose hope, but here they are!" he said followed by a giddy laugh. He's really getting into the retired state before he's actually going to retire. I suppose after working half your life and being a refugee of the Vietnam War you're entitled to do such. He made me smile, and I gave him a hug for that one.
Example no. 2: My job.
I've truly met some of the most awesome people ever here. They remind me to never give up on the emotions that enrich my life, and not least, to allow myself to feel whatever I want to feel. I find it difficult these days as I'm more or less filled with apathy, but they show me that it's possible. And beautiful.
Example no. 3: Childlike behaviour.
Being childlike or sometimes even childish is something I truly enjoy at the expense of other people. In this state I can fully not give a crap about everything and act like there's not a worry in the world. It would be wrong to say that I'm acting, though, because I genuinely feel that I'm untouchable when I'm running around with my limbs all over the place, blowing milk out of my nose and being as loud as a 4 - year old. Just to mention a few things. My conclusion is that Peter Pan got it right.
On my way home, though, someone had to cramp my style as there was a ticket control on the bus. I handed over my ticket, being all confident until he said:
- You haven't validated you ticket.
- What?
The moment I said that I had a flashback of the time I was supposed to validate it. It was about a month ago, so it's unbelievable that I even rememberd that particular episode where I couldn't validate my ticket because of a broken machine. So I thought to myself that I would do it some other time, but I apparently never came around to do it. I basically forgot. In this case, it's obviously my fault, but it's still annoying to pay a lot of money for something that I didn't do intentionally. So I politely stated to the man that the system sucks.
- Yeah, I can admit that the system isn't optimal. Since you're a student, we can divide your fine in smaller payments.
Sure, to have a constant reminder of an unnecessary fine you got way back every single month for the rest of the year is something I would really like.
- I'll pay now, please.
750 kr. I suppose buying my school books on discount was destined. The rest of the money was obviously meant to pay for this.
- We do understand that it's easy to forget to validate your ticket, you know.
God, do I hate communicating with people who can't see that what they're saying is straight up stupid. What I hate even more is trying to communicate with ticket controllers who can't see that what they're saying is straight up stupid. Or generally people in uniforms.
- No, you're not being understanding. If you were, you wouldn't fine me.
- No, no, we understand.
Whatever makes you feel like a better person, I suppose.
Haha, look at them.