Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When everything else fails

 Nancy, have some fish oil

You see, I've been lacking vitamin D, which was stated a pretty long time ago. The minute I found out about it, my mission became to fill up my D vitamin storage in my body. I was told that the most efficient way was to have this infamous fish oil every day. 

Too bad it tastes like...

 Well, fish oil.

I don't care what it says on the bottle where they advertise that it tastes lemon, strawberry, daisies and baby butts. It. tastes. like. fish. oil.

Safe to say, I didn't go through with my mission (yet again because I'm lazy, adding that my will power is non-existent. SHAME. ) which leads me to believe that I still lack vitamin D. It's not cool to be fatigued all the time, so I'm declaring war again and I intend to win.

Other than that, I heard that it's good to stay out in the sun, but in Norway it's currently as existent as my will power.

PS: I'm taking my previous game plan off the agenda because it's the most ridiculous thing I've come up with since '99 (if only it was that long ago...)


  1. Du vet det finnes tran piller?????????????? Oxo kan du jo ta det som heter D-vitaminer som du får kjøpt på apoteket, må ikke drikke den spyolja!! XD

  2. Haha, er fullt klar over det, men poenget er at dette skal gå effektivt ettersom legen sa det tar ganske lang tid å få fylt opp lageret... Også er det jo litt gøy å gjøre det vanskelig for seg selv også da. På en måte.
