Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Stupidity is the building block of the universe". - Zappa

I don't know who you turn to when trying to find answers, but I always go to something that I find highly reliable. I want you to meet my luminous eye ball of fortune:

It's as accurate as my accuracy, which means that it has poor judgement as well. I can't believe what I'm hearing when people discuss whether or not to let self driven robots go on their own and shoot stuff or whatever (not that I'm implying that I'm a robot, I just couldn't find anything or anyone less accurate than myself during my writing). Is there really anything to discuss here? I mean, was I the only one who actually learned something from the very educational documentary starring Will Smith "I, Robot"?

I have issues when it comes to the topic about self driven robots performing human tasks. And when people are like "Why?!" when I say that, it makes me question human beings even more than I already am. To be more accurate (word of the day), it makes me question us more than I question self driven robots. Geez, maybe we should replace stupid people with robots. Cause there is such a thing as having too many stupid people on earth. What is better? Having too many stupid people? Or too many smart robots?

Anyways. My luminous eye ball.

It can answer any question, (yes/no questions) and it never lies (unless you decide that it does). Sometimes it's acting up like crazy, though, by telling me everything I don't want to hear. But then I'm like, who believes this stuff anyways.


  1. Kind of funny, one of the courses I'm taking this semester is partly about artificial intelligence. We are mostly taking the language part of it, but still, if I want, I could go further, and study smart robots! And I must say that I find studying language in a computer perspective _really_ interesting! Human language processing is unbelievable complex! Still, I agree with you, that, mostly, robots should not perform human tasks.

    Anyways, you should check this out, this is really awesome (I think it's incredible that they have made it possible):

  2. Åssen kom du på dette i det hele tatt a Nancy?? Men godt skrevet syns jeg!! Noe spess som fikk deg til å tenke på roboter??
    Jeg har fra fødsel av vært skeptisk.. så kan vel si jeg er skeptisk til dette med roboter også!

    Hugs :D
